GEOG 295 A: Special Topics in Geography

Autumn 2024
TTh 1:00pm - 2:20pm / MLR 301
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):


Welcome to Geography 295: Geographies of Everyday Life (Au 2024)

A. Course Description:

This class explores the spaces, places and social relations of people’s everyday life. Geographical relations shape where people live, work and play; as well as the streets they regularly move along and the buildings that mark their daily paths and routines. Focusing on geographies of everyday life also provides a way to trace connections between the local and broader processes, practices and relations of power, such as government policy and economic globalization. The regional focus is primarily the US, This class equips students with the tools to comprehend and analyze the socio-spatial context of everyday life in all its multiscalar complexities.

B. Required Materials:

Readings, websites and videos will be available on the Canvas site.

C. Exams:

There are two exams. Each covers materials from readings, lectures and sections (Exam One covers weeks 1-5 and Exam 2 covers weeks 6-11). They will be in-person in our classroom and consist of a combination of multiple choice, definitions and short answers. You will be provided with study sheets and the sections before each exam will include a review of the material for the exam.

D. Assignments:

The assignments involve applying the knowledge gained in the course to develop a series of mini research projects about everyday life in Seattle. Student use primary and secondary sources of evidence (such as observations, maps, photographs, other images, planning documents, newspaper articles and statistics) develop their research. There will be other smaller assignments, about the readings for example

E. Tentative Schedule of Lectures (subject to change)

    1. The everyday
    2. Place
    3. Breakfast
    4. Home
    5. Streets
    6. Public space
    7. Workplaces
    8. Built environments
    9. Green spaces
    10. Nightlife

F. The course is designed to help you:

  • See the links between personal experiences of everyday life and various aspect of wider socio-spatial organization.
  • Understand how the micro-level activities and experiences of everyday life are implicated in a sense of place as well as processes of social change and transformation.
  • Explore how taken-for-granted aspects of everyday life are infused with relationships of social control, power and resistance.
  • Develop a stronger understanding of the geographies of everyday life through the deep exploration of one case study.
  • Sharpen your critical thinking skills and practice using social science methods to analyze the everyday.
GE Requirements Met:
Social Sciences (SSc)
Last updated:
July 12, 2024 - 2:43 am