
Emergency Information

In an emergency, always call 911!  If calling from a cell phone, give the building address:

Smith Hall, 1911 NE Skagit Lane, UW Campus

Non-emergency phone: 206-685-UWPD (8973)

Departmental Safety Information

  • First aid kit is located in Smith Hall, Room 408.
  • Online Incident/Accident Report forms are located online.  Don't forget that you should report "near misses" too!
  • Do not use elevators during an emergency evacuation.
  • Evacuation assembly point is the The Quad.

Geography faculty, staff, graduate students and visitors are required to be familiar with the following plans:

Campus Safety And Emergency Resources

 The UW has many resources to ensure campus safety and emergency preparedness. We encourage you to become familiar with what’s available before an emergency arises. And remember, if you see something, say something.

  • UW's Safety Portal is a great place to start when looking for any kind of safety/crisis management information.
  • UW Alert - notifications of emergencies or crisis situations that may disrupt the normal operations of the University.
  • Safe Campus - acts as the central point of communication and the coordinating unit for violence mitigation activities across the UW. Call 206-685-SAFE (206-685-7233) 24/7 to speak with staff specially trained to receive reports of potentially violent situations and provide resources and referrals to UW services.
  • UW Emergency Management -  institution-wide programs and projects that promote disaster planning, training, mitigation, response, prevention and recovery for all-hazards.
  • Environmental Health and Safety -  a UW administrative department that is responsible for addressing environmental issues in order to provide a safe educational and work place on campus.

