Statement on Modes of Instruction for Geography Courses
The Department of Geography expects students to attend class in the mode of instruction (on-campus, distance learning, or hybrid) indicated in the quarterly Time Schedule. Students should plan to participate in all activities as described in each course syllabus. Please review your registration accordingly. For courses scheduled to meet on-campus, please note that remote learning accommodations may not be available, unless arranged through UW Disability Resources for Students (DRS). Refer to course syllabi for the specific class policies related to grading and participation.
Effective Autumn Quarter 2021.
Student Code of Conduct for Geography Classrooms
The Department of Geography is committed to ensuring a classroom environment that contributes to optimum teaching and learning for all students. Individuals who engage in disruptive behavior that creates a negative or threatening environment for teaching and learning will be asked to leave the classroom by the instructor. These requests are not negotiable. Disruptive behavior includes: verbal or physical aggression toward other students or faculty/TAs, threats of violence, unyielding argument or debate, yelling inside or outside of the classroom, untimely outbursts, violating class policies about technology use or seating, refusing to follow faculty or TA directions, and entering and exiting the classroom in disruptive ways.
Effective Autumn Quarter 2016.
Grade Appeal Procedure
The Department of Geography follows the UW policy for grade appeals. For a detailed description of this policy, please see the UW Scholastic Regulations, Chapter 110 “Grades, Honors, and Scholarships,” Section 2B."

How to Appeal a Grade Error
A student who believes that an instructor erred in the assignment of a grade, or who believes a grade recording error or omission has occurred, will follow these steps to resolve the matter:
- The student should first discuss the matter with the instructor before the end of the following academic quarter (not including Summer Quarter).
- A student who is not satisfied with the instructor’s response may submit, no later than 10 class days after their discussion with the instructor,* a written appeal to the Chair/Director of the department (or the Dean in a non-departmentalized school or college), with a copy of the appeal to the instructor.
*This time may be extended by the chair in exceptional circumstances, such as the situation in which the student did not learn of the appeals process deadlines in time.> - Within 10 calendar days of receipt of the appeal, the Chair/Director will consult with the instructor to determine whether the evaluation of the student’s performance was fair and reasonable or whether the instructor’s conduct in assigning the grade was arbitrary or capricious.
- If the Chair/Director determines that the instructor’s evaluation of the student’s performance was fair and reasonable, the Chair/Director notifies the student that the appeal is denied and that the assigned grade is final.
- If the Chair/Director believes the instructor’s conduct in assigning the grade was arbitrary or capricious, the Chair/Director will request that the instructor revise the grade.
- If the instructor declines to revise the grade, the Chair/Director, with the approval of the voting members of their faculty, shall appoint an appropriate member, or members, of the faculty of that department to evaluate the student’s, or students’, performance and assign a grade.
- The Chair/Director will inform the Dean and Provost of this action. The Dean will refer the matter to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, who will review the Chair/Director’s decision to ensure that the appeal process was followed correctly. If the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs believes that the Chair/Director did not follow the required steps in the appeal process, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs will advise the Chair/Director to do so and will notify the student that the appeal process will be carried out by the department. The department’s decision will be final.
- Once a student submits a written appeal, this document and all subsequent actions on this appeal shall be recorded in written form in a department (or college) file.
This section was adapted with permission from the College of the Environment at the University of Washington.