Diversity Committee Annual Report 2021-2022

Fall Quarter:

  • Hosted Dean Joy Williamson Lott’s talk “Student Activism and Institutional Change: Reflections as a Scholar and a Dean” 11/5
  • Attended Graduate School Workshops
    • Holistic Admissions Workshop 11/3
    • Equity Focus Office Hours: Accountability and Whiteness: From Ally to Accomplice 11/10
    • Equity Focus Office Hours: Accountability and Black Emotional Labor 12/8

Winter Quarter:

  • Revised Diversity page for department website. The goals were to update information on the page, make explicit our values and goals, and to chronicle specific achievements and outcomes.
  • Attended Graduate School Workshops:
    • Holistic Support Series: Resilience and Well-Being, Accountability and Ableism 3/3
    • Dialogues for Change: From Ally to Accomplice to end White Supremacy and Racism 1/3

Spring Quarter:

  • Drafted and circulated departmental letter of support for the Disability Resources for Students Office.
  • Participated in The Indigenous Walking Tour of UW given by Owen Oliver
  • Attended Graduate School Workshops:
    • Equity in Graduate Education 1: Accountability and Land Acknowledgements 4/26
    • Equity in Graduate Education 2: Accountability and Holistic Support 4/26
    • Equity Summit Session 3: Accountability & Making Structural Change 4/26