Michael Brown, Theodore Davenport, Mark Ellis, Drew Gamboa
Fall Quarter
- Participated in Graduate School’s Dialogues Across Difference Workshop: Bridging as a Connective Strategy, October 25.
- Worked with GPC on GSEE GEA Application for graduate-student fellowship (successful).
- Participated in Graduate School’s Holistic Support Series: Promising Practices in Holistic Admissions, November 8.
- Worked with Search Committee and Office of Faculty Advancement on Faculty-Search process.
- Participated in UW Human Resources workshop on Neurodivergence and inclusive onboarding staff, December 6.
Winter Quarter
- Participated in Graduate School’s Dialogues Across Difference Workshop: Listening with Ting, January 10.
- Updated information, links, and resources on Department of Geography website.
- Worked with GPC to add diversity and climate questions to IAS evaluation forms.
- Participated in Graduate School’s Dialogues Across Difference Workshop: Conflict Resolution from the Ombud’s Office, March 8.
Spring Quarter
- Attended Equity in Graduate Education Summit, April 4. Session 1: Nonviolent Communication and Dialogue: the LARA Method. Session 2: Building Bridges and Looping.
- With Colloquium Committee we co-organized and hosted panel “Communities of Care for Disability in the Academy and Beyond” with Emi Koyama, Audra Mitchell, and William Carter, April 14.