The Kilburn Manifesto was discussed at the AAG meetings in Tampa in April by Doreen Massey (Open University, UK), one of the founding editors along with Stuart Hall and Michael Rustin. The 'Manifesto' is being written (and published online at Soundings) to stimulate people on the Left to shift the parameters of debate about the current crisis-ridden conjuncture of 'neoliberal forms'. The founding stimulus for the manifesto is that economic expressions of neoliberalism are undergoing crisis but the social and political fields of grounded neoliberalism remain robust. The Kilburn Manifesto aims towards intellectual and political openings towards "...a new political era and new understandings of what constitutes a 'good society'" Hall, Massey and Rustin, 2013: 8).
Geographers Discuss the Kilburn Manifesto at Annual Meeting of the AAG
Submitted by Jason Young
The AAG session was sponsored by Environment and Planning A and featured two discussants, Kathie Gibson (University of Western Sydney) and Victoria Lawson (University of Washington). The content of the session will be published by the journal in the coming months.