New Publications from Geography Faculty and Graduate Students!

Submitted by Nell Gross on

Faculty and graduate students in the Department of Geography continue to share their research in a wide range of publications! Below please find a selection of articles and websites featuring recent work from members of our community - congratulations to all!

Essential for Whom? Paid Domestic Work during the COVID-19 Pandemic Caitlin M Alcorn
Analyzing the Effect of Time in Migration Measurement Using Georeferenced Digital Trace Data Lee J. Fiorio
Becoming Theodore: Spatial Legal Consciousness and Transgender Name Changes Theodore Davenport
Examining shifting values of belonging in restoration Rob Anderson
Stand with# StandingRock: Envisioning an Epistemological Shift in Understanding Geospatial Big Data in the “Post-truth” Era Bo Zhao
Encrypted monument: The birth of crypto place on the blockchain Bo Zhao
Resuscitating the Dialectic: Moore’s Capitalism in the Web of Life: Ecology and the Accumulation of Capital in the Supposed ‘Age of Man’ Christopher R. Cox
(Book Review Essay) In the Interior of Capital’s Exterminism   Christopher R. Cox

In addition, Professor Kam Wing Chan's research publications prove perennially relevant, with the 1999 article, "The Hukou System and Rural-Urban Migration in China: Processes and Changes" included in The China Quarterly's Virtual Special Issue: "The China Quarterly at 60: A Special Anniversary Issue."

All Research Publications
