Washington GIS Association Awards First Place Prize to UW Geographers Shane Dang and Alex Kirchmeier

Submitted by Nell Gross on

Undergraduate geography students Shane Dang and Alex Kirchmeier won the First Place Richard "Dick" Thomas Award at the Washington GIS Association (WAGISA) Conference in June! This award was established by WAGISA in 2006 to honor Washington State GIS pioneer and mentor Richard “Dick” Thomas. The intent of this award is to honor Dick by continuing his work of encouraging students to present their original research in GIS, geography, or a related discipline at the annual Washington GIS Conference. Originally developed for Professor Gunwha Oh's Visualizing Seattle class (GEOG 450), Shane and Alex's project title is "Informal Geovisualization of Tea Shops in Seattle’s International District." Professor Oh notes that their presentation "made the audience vividly imagine a picture of [Chinatown-International District] by reinterpreting its history and culture with the current tea culture of people there." According to Professor Oh, Shane and Alex received "much attention and praise" for their talk at the WAGISA event. Visit the link below to view the winning presentation!

Slideshow Presentation
