Transition from M.A. to Ph.D. Program

Students in the M.A. Program in the Department of Geography at the University of Washington who wish to enroll in the Ph.D. Program must ensure delivery of the following materials to the Director of Academic Services for consideration by the Graduate Admissions Committee:

  1. A letter from the student requesting admission to the Ph.D. Program that describes progress on the M.A., the date or expected date of completion of the M.A., and a statement of purpose for the Ph.D (no more than 3 pages).
  2. A letter of support from a UW Geography faculty member willing to serve as Chair of the Doctoral Supervisory Committee.
  3. A letter from the student’ s M.A. Chair describing progress and completion or expected completion of the M.A (if the M.A. Chair is the same as the Doctoral Chair this information can be combined in one letter from the Doctoral Chair - see number 2 above).
  4. One additional letter of reference from a UW Geography faculty member willing to serve as a committee member.

These materials must be delivered by January 10 of the second academic year of a student’s M.A. Program for admission into the Ph.D. Program in the following Fall Quarter.

Students who do not complete the M.A. degree by the end of the first Fall Quarter of their expected entrance to the Ph.D. program must reapply to the department, using the process described above, in the quarter they defend the M.A.
