Submitted by Matthew Sparke
Geographers Eloho Basikoro, Luke Bergmann, Brandon Derman, and Matt Sparke to speak at symposium designed to cross-borders and disciplines in order to re-map and rethink vulnerability and resilience.
The symposium begins Thursday, April 17th - HUB 145
6:00-7:30 Keynote Lecture
Patrick Bond, Development Studies, University of Kwazulu-Natal
Climate Change, Global Health and Social Advocacy: Connecting Dots and Jumping Scale
It continues all-day Friday, April 18th - Petersen Room, Allen Library (Fourth Floor):
8:30-9:00 Registration and Coffee
9:00-9:30 Opening Comments
Celia Lowe, Anthropology and International Studies, UW
Howard Frumkin, Dean of the School of Public Health, UW
9:30-11:00 Framing Problems:
Epistemologies of Climate Risk
Adam Warren, History, UW
Judd Walson, Global Health, Medicine, Pediatrics, UW
LuAnne Thompson, Director of Program on Climate Change, Oceanography, UW
Kristie Ebi, Global Health, UW
11:00-12:30 Producing Vulnerability Across Scales
Mark Carey, History, University of Oregon
Ed Allison, School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, UW
Nora Kenworthy, Nursing and Health Studies Program, UW
Eloho Basikoro, Geography, UW
Adam Akullian, Global Health, UW
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:00 Times of Global Environmental Change
Suraya Afiff, Director of the Anthropological Research Center, University of Indonesia
Sara Curran, International Studies, UW
Richard Watts, Chair, French and Italian Studies, UW
Luke Bergmann, Geography, UW
3:00-4:50 Discussion: Putting it all Together: Engaging Risk
James Orbinski, Chair in Global Health, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Canada
Brandon Derman, Geography, UW
Ulil Amri, Anthropology, UW
Patrick Bond, Development Studies, University of Kwazulu-Natal
Suraya Afiff, Director of the Anthropological Research Center, University of Indonesia
4:50-5:00 Closing Comments
Matt Sparke, Geography and International Studies, UWClimate