Winter 2022

Dear Friends,

Hello from the Department of Geography! As I write this, I’m reflecting on the fall quarter - our first quarter back in Smith Hall after many quarters of remote teaching and learning by faculty and students connecting from all over the world. Of course the return to on-campus operations brings challenges and some activities still aren’t possible, but we are thrilled to be able to see each other in person again!

This fall, we continued to serve approximately 400 undergraduate majors, welcomed six outstanding new graduate students from around the world, and celebrated multiple new Ph.D. and M.A. degrees!  In November, we convened our third annual Geographers in Practice panel discussion. This year’s event took place online once again, but this gave us the opportunity to learn from three alums now working in Shanghai, China; Geneva, Switzerland; and closer to home in the Snohomish Valley! We invite you to view a video recording of the event on our Geographers in Practice website.

We are delighted to welcome several new faculty colleagues. Assistant Professor Dr. Mia Bennett joins us from a prior faculty appointment at Hong Kong University. Her research and teaching interests include infrastructure development in the Arctic, geopolitics, Indigenous land rights and land use, and remote sensing. She is currently working on multiple research projects focused on just and equitable futures of Arctic development, and will be expanding curriculum in exciting ways with her critical remote sensing expertise. Acting Assistant Professor Dr. Sam Kay joins us from a prior appointment at the University of Minnesota-Duluth and will offer a wonderfully diverse range of human geography courses this year. Acting Assistant Professor Dr. Gunwha Oh will teach a creative suite of GIS and digital geographies courses. Last spring, Dr. Oh was the winner of our annual outstanding teaching award from our undergraduates, so we are especially excited she will be working with our students again this year!

Our faculty and students continue to do significant research and public advocacy on urgent issues of many kinds! Last spring, Professor Suzanne Withers’s GIS Workshop students carried out multiple important mapping and spatial analysis projects for local organizations, including research supporting Real Change’s advocacy around disporporationate enforcement and impacts of Seattle’s bicycle helmet law for unsheltered people. Professor Bo Zhao’s ongoing research on the rise of “deepfake geography” that uses altered satellite images for misinformation continues to draw significant scholarly attention and media coverage. Professor Kim England is part of a very large international research team recently awarded a large Partnership Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for a collaborative project, Understanding Precarity in British Columbia, impacts of precarious employment and working toward policy solutions.

As friends and alumni, you play a crucial role in supporting these accomplishments. We are so grateful for your gifts, your involvement in department events and programs, and your efforts to champion geography in your professional and personal communities. Please keep in touch as we are always happy to hear from you!

Warm wishes,

Sarah Elwood-Faustino, Professor and Chair

Welcome to our newest graduate student cohort! Please find their biographies below. Yasmin Ahmed BA, Public Health, UW. Research interests: migrant labor, food systems, blue economy and fishing rights, indigenous ecology and food sovereignty; regional focus: Southeast Asia. I currently work at the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies as Assistant Director of Student and Community Engagement (and have since 2018). I have organized around food justice for the past five years, most recently… Read more
The Department of Geography is pleased to introduce three faculty members starting in fall 2021.  They have wonderfully diverse backgrounds and experience, plus a wealth of teaching expertise and passion for the field.  Meet them all! Mia Bennett Mia Bennett joins us as our new assistant professor this year.  Among other courses, she will teach GEOG 317 Geographic Information and Spatial Analysis in winter quarter. Bennett received her Ph.D. in Geography… Read more
If America’s unions are dying, no one told labor leaders in Washington. The state ranks fifth in the nation for union membership. That strength also translates to political power. In recent years, organized labor has helped Democrats solidify one-party rule. In turn, unions have notched a succession of legislative victories. Kim England, professor of geography and chair of the UW Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies, is quoted.… Read more
The course "helped me understand my own family’s experiences," says Honors Program student Courtney Hooks, whose family has experienced housing instability. Media credit: Dana Brooks Seattle is the 15th largest city in the country, yet we have the 3rd highest unhoused population. Why is that? In 2015, the state of homelessness led both the City of Seattle and King County to declare states of emergency, a designation that suggests a short term, high-priority problem. But the… Read more
The Department of Geography Advising Office is excited to unveil the winning design for the 2021 Geography Sticker Design Competition! Undergraduate geography student Megan Plunkett's submission responds to the question "What Does Geography Mean to You?" by drawing from Megan's "own impression of the word 'geography'... [incorporating] Earth (a true representation of community), circles (to represent… Read more