Housing, Cartographic, and Data Justice as Fields of Inquiry: A Connected Approach to Mapping Displacement

McElroy, Erin. “Housing, Cartographic, and Data Justice as Fields of Inquiry: A Connected Approach to Mapping Displacement.” In Housing Justice in Unequal Cities, edited by Ananya Roy and Hillary Malson, 29–36. Los Angeles, CA: Institute on Inequality and Democracy, 2019.

In order to think about housing justice as a field of inquiry, we must consider cartographic and data justice as entangled fields. Drawing upon ongoing work of the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project—a critical cartography, data analysis, and digital humanities project that I cofounded in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2013 (and which has since grown chapters in Los Angeles and New York City and connections in Romania)—I specifically push for an approach to housing, data, and cartographic justice that foregrounds the materiality of their connec-tions. In what follows, I first introduce how a connected approach can supple-ment comparative work in mapping housing justice. I then theorize data and housing justice together, troubling the moment in which eviction data itself has become commodified. Lastly, I introduce the work of the AEMP, focusing on how we have sought to make connected maps of evictions and resistance
