McElroy, Erin. “Boycotting, Identifying, and Organizing Against Serial Evictors.” E-Flux, no. Spatial Computing (June 2024). |
Publications, Articles |
Cities, History, Housing, Mapping, Politics, Public Scholarship, Radical Pedagogy, Science and Technology, Social Movements, Urban Studies |
McElroy, Erin. "Dis/possessory Data Politics: From Tenant Screening to Anti-Eviction Organizing.” International Journal of Urban and Region Research, 47, no. 1 (2023): 54–70. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Big Data, Community, Geographic Information Systems, Geovisualization, Housing, Justice, Mapping, Research Methods, Science and Technology, Social Movements |
McElroy, Erin. “Digital Cartographies of Displacement: Data as Property and Property as Data.” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 21, no. 4 (May 5, 2022): 357–71. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Big Data, Community, Geographic Information Systems, Geovisualization, Housing, Mapping, Research Methods, Science and Technology, Social Movements, Urban Studies |
Y. Yu, D. Brady, B. Zhao (2022) Digital geographies of the bug: A case study of China's contact tracing systems in the COVID-19, Geoforum, 137(2022): 94-104, doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2022.10.007 |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Big Data, Geographic Information Systems, Mapping, Science and Technology, Urban Studies |
Chen, X., Zhao, B., & Yang, X. (2022). The obesogenity of restaurant food: Mapping the nutritional foodscape of Franklin County, Ohio using food review images. Applied Geography, 144, 102717. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Big Data, Food, Geographic Information Systems, Geovisualization, Health, Mapping, Urban Studies |
Zhang S, Xu D, Zhao B. “Small” analysis of Big Data: An evaluation of the effects of social distancing in the United States. Methodological Innovations. April 2022. doi:10.1177/20597991221090856 |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Big Data, Census, Critical Theory, Culture, Disease, Geographic Information Systems, Mapping |
Yu, Y. & Zhao, B. (2022) Can TikTok promote a healthier ageing paradigm? A case study of older digital celebrities from China. Area, 00, 1– 8. Available from: |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Big Data, Geographic Information Systems, Geovisualization, Mapping, Population, Science and Technology |
Anti-Eviction Mapping Project. Counterpoints: A San Francisco Bay Area Atlas of Displacement and Resistance. Oakland: PM Press, 2021. |
Publications, Books |
Community, History, Housing, Justice, Mapping, Public Scholarship, Race and Ethnicity, Radical Pedagogy, Social Movements, Urban Studies |
Bo Zhao and Xu Huang (2020). Encrypted monument: The birth of crypto place on the blockchain, Geoforum 116:149-52. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Big Data, Disease, Geographic Information Systems, Mapping |
McElroy, Erin. “Digital Nomads in Siliconising Cluj: Material and Allegorical Dispossessions.” Urban Studies, 57(15): 3078–3094. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Cities, Global, Housing, Mapping, Science and Technology, Transnational, Urban Studies |
Maharawal, Manissa M. and ErinMcElroy. “The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project: Counter Mapping and Oral History Toward Bay Area Housing Justice.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108, no. 2 (2018): 380–89. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Geographic Information Systems, Housing, Justice, Mapping, Race and Ethnicity, Radical Pedagogy, Research Methods, Science and Technology, Social Movements, Urban Studies |
McElroy, Erin. “Countermapping Displacement and Resistance in Alameda County with the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project.” American Quarterly 70, no. 3 (2018): 601–4. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Cities, Geovisualization, Housing, Justice, Mapping, Race and Ethnicity, Research Methods, Science and Technology, Urban Studies |
Lave, R., C. Biermann, and S. Lane. 2018. Handbook of Critical Physical Geography. Palgrave Macmillan: London. |
Publications, Books |
Environment, Justice, Mapping, Research Methods, Science and Technology, Sustainability |
Bergmann, L. and D. O'Sullivan. "Reimagining GIScience for relational spaces." The Canadian Geographer. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Big Data, Census, Cities, Geographic Information Systems, Geovisualization, Housing, Labor, Mapping, Population, Urban Studies |
Bergmann, L. (2017) "Towards economic geographies beyond the Nature-Society divide," Geoforum 85: 324-335. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Big Data, Consumption, Economics, Environment, Geographic Information Systems, Geovisualization, Global, Mapping, Population, Sustainability |
Matthew Sparke, 2016, "Situated Cyborg Knowledge In Not So Borderless Online Global Education:Mapping the Geosocial Landscape of a MOOC," Geopolitics |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Big Data, Citizenship, Civic Engagement, Critical Theory, Education, Global, Mapping, Neoliberalism, Science and Technology, Transnational |
Mitchell, K. and Elwood, S. 2015. Intergenerational Mapping and the Cultural Politics of Memory. In Hakli, J. and Kallio, K. eds., The Beginning of Politics: Youthful Political Agency in Everyday Life. Routledge/Taylor&Francis, 33-52. [Reprint] |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Civic Engagement, Community, Critical Theory, Education, Geovisualization, Mapping, Race and Ethnicity |
Mitchell, K. and Elwood, S. 2015. Countermapping for Social Justice. In Kallio, K. and Mills, S. eds., Politics, Citizenship and Rights, Vol. 7 of Skelton, T. (ed.) Geographies of Children and Young People. Springer: Berlin, 207-223. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Cities, Citizenship, Civic Engagement, Education, Geovisualization, History, Mapping, Race and Ethnicity |
Young, JC and MP Gilmore. 2014. Subaltern Empowerment in the Geoweb: Tensions Between Publicity and Privacy. Antipode. 46(2): 574-91. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Geographic Information Systems, Indigenous, Mapping, Science and Technology |
Young, JC and MP Gilmore 2013. The Spatial Politics of Affect and Emotion in Participatory GIS. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 103(4): 808-23. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Geographic Information Systems, Indigenous, Mapping, Science and Technology |
Mitchell, K. and Elwood, S. 2013. Intergenerational Mapping and the Cultural Politics of Memory. Space and Polity 17, 2, 33-52. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Cities, Citizenship, Civic Engagement, Critical Theory, Culture, Education, Geovisualization, Mapping |
Elwood, S. and Mitchell, K. 2013. Another Politics is Possible: Neogeographies, Visual Spatial Tactics and Political Formation. Cartographica 48, 4, 275-292. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Cities, Civic Engagement, Education, Geovisualization, Mapping |
Gilmore, MP and JC Young. 2012. The Use of Participatory Mapping in Ethnobiological Research, Biocultural Conservation, and Community Empowerment: A Case Study from the Peruvian Amazon. Journal of Ethnobiology. 32(1): 6-29 |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Environment, Indigenous, Mapping, Research Methods |
Mitchell, Katharyne, and Sarah Elwood. "Mapping Children's Politics: The Promise of Articulation and the Limits of Nonrepresentational Theory." 30, no. 5 (2012): 788-804. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Mapping |
Sparke, Matthew. "A map that roared and an original atlas: Canada, cartography, and the narration of nation." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 88, no. 3 (1998): 463-495. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Mapping, Nationalism |