Jiaxin Feng. Understanding dynamic human emotions toward geographic environments: An integration of EEG into GIScience. University of Washington. 2024. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Cities, Environment, Geographic Information Systems, Geovisualization, Research Methods, Science and Technology |
Sutton, A. M., & Mayer, J. D. (2023). Modeling the social and political contexts of United States health protective interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Disease, Health, Politics |
Vale, H. M., & Freshour, C. (2023). Collapsing moments : confronting anti-Black logics in the Philippines’ colonial archive. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Global, Race and Ethnicity |
Rivera, I. J., & Elwood, S. (2023). Mapping the terms of freedom & the ongoing refusal of settler imaginaries. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Culture, Indigenous, Indigenous Geographies |
Shoffner, E. C., & Lawson, V. A. (2023). Relational conservation territories : racialized property regimes, negotiated rights and environmental management in the selva misionera. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Global, Indigenous |
Espinosa Guarderas, Juan Mateo. "Herbs, Soil, and Health: Beyond Human and Planetary Medicine." University of Washington, 2023. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Agriculture, Critical Human Geography, Critical Theory, Disease, Food, Health, Medicine, Public Scholarship, Research Methods, Science and Technology |
Thompson, S. (2023). Caring in Crises: Spatializing Infrastructures of Care Through Tenant Protections [Dissertation]. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Critical Human Geography, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Housing, Labor, Urban Studies |
Wilson, M. (2023) An elusive consensus: mental health and psychosocial support in disasters and emergencies since 1980. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Washington] |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Feminism and Feminist Theory, Global, Health, Medicine, Migration, Politics, Science and Technology |
Balancing the quantitative/qualitative divide: A rhythmanalytic review of Seattle’s Black-Owned Restaurants’ experience during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021) |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Big Data, Geographic Information Systems, Justice, Research Methods |
Wolkin, K., & Ybarra, M. (2022). Parallel disentanglement : treaty-based navigation of settler-indigenous governance politics. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Indigenous, Politics |
Carrasco, W., & Ybarra, M. (2022). The cracking of concrete jungles : practicing indigenous kinship in diaspora. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Culture, Indigenous, Migration |
Orosco, O., & Ybarra, M. (2022). “Se pesa’ : structural uncaring in the COVID-19 pandemic and caregivers” kinships of care. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Community, Disease, Health, Race and Ethnicity, Social Stratification/Inequality |
Anderson, R., Biermann, C., & Elwood, S. (2022). Killing for coexistence : the bio- and necro-political ecology of wolf conservation and management in Washington State. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Agriculture, Environment, Science and Technology, Sustainability |
McCrea, T. P., & Zhao, B. (2021). Sensing the cloud : a materialist spatial analysis of data centers and critical conceptualization. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Economics, Politics, Science and Technology |
Neel, P., & Bergmann, L. R. (2021). Global China, global crisis : falling profitability, rising capital exports and the formation of new territorial industrial complexes. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Economics, Global |
Cleasby, E., & England, K. (2021). Possibilities for sustainable futurity : examining the radical potential of small, mobile living structures and the Capitol Hill Organized Protest in achieving sustainability. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Environment, Politics, Social Movements |
Brown, D. L., & Ellis, M. (John M. (2021). 413 in the house : an exploration of a black sense of place and black placemaking in Springfield, Ma. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Class, Race and Ethnicity, Urban Studies |
Alcorn, C. M., & England, K. (2021). New labor rights and new work arrangements : shifting geographies of paid domestic work in urban Brazil. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Global, Labor, Politics |
Babb, M. A., & Ellis, M. (John M. (2021). Dimensions of interstate and intrastate household migration, 1990-2015. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Mapping, Migration |
Sandoval, E., & Ybarra, M. (2021). Landscapes of violence : Latinx migrants navigating life in Chicagoland. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Environment, Immigration, Politics, Urban Studies |
Yang, X., & Chan, K. W. (2021). The selective migration and children of migrants in China. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Economics, Global, Migration |
Crane, J. A., & Lawson, V. A. (2021). Assisted voluntary return : negotiating the politics of humanitarianism and security in migration management. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Global, Migration, Politics |
Cox, C. R., & Bergmann, L. R. (2021). The productivore’s dilemma : extinction or extermination? [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Environment, Sustainability |
Doll, R. C., & Bergmann, L. R. (2020). Place, power, and potential : agricultural modernization and the remaking of China’s countryside. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Agriculture, Culture, Global, Politics |
Kowalski, A. A., & Nyerges, T. L. (2020). Resilience of energy systems : theoretical and empirical perspectives. [University of Washington Libraries]. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Science and Technology, Sustainability |