
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
McElroy, Erin. “The Work of Landlord Technology: The Fictions of Frictionless Property Management.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, May 8, 2024. Publications, Articles
Thompson, S. (2022).“Homes not shelters”: co-productions of home in financialized social housing for women in Vancouver, Canada. DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2021.2014668. Publications
McElroy, E. “Data, dispossession, and Facebook: techno-imperialism and toponymy in gentrifying San Francisco.” Urban Geography 40, no. 6 (2019): 826–45. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
McElroy, Erin. “Postsocialism and the Tech Boom 2.0: Techno-Utopics of Racial/Spatial Dispossession.” Social Identities 24, no. 2 (March 4, 2018): 206–21. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Maharawal, Manissa M., and Erin McElroy. “In the Time of Trump: Housing, Whiteness, and Abolition.” In Contested Property Claims: What Disagreement Tells Us About Ownership, edited by Maja H. Bruun, Mikkel Thorup, Patrick Cockburn, and Bjarke S. Risager, 109–25. New York: Routledge, 2017. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
McElroy, Erin. “Mediating the Tech Boom: Temporalities of Displacement and Resistance.” Journal of the New Media Caucus 13, no. 1 (2017): 38–57.  Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Daniel Bessner and Matthew Sparke, 2017, “Nazism, Neoliberalism and the Trumpist Challenge to Democracy,” Environment and Planning A. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Matthew Sparke, 2017, "Austerity and the embodiment of neoliberalism as ill-health:  Towards a theory of biological sub-citizenship," Social Science & Medicine, Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Farías, Mónica. 2016. "Working Across Class Difference in Popular Assemblies in Buenos Aires." In Encountering the City: Urban Encounters from Accra to New York, edited by Jonathan Darling and Helen F. Wilson,169-186. Abingdon-New York: Routledge.  Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Jamie Peck and Matthew Sparke, 2016,  “Symposium on Brett Christophers’ The Great Leveler: Capitalism and Competition in the Court of Law,” Environment and Planning A Publications, Reviews
MacFarlane, K. 2016. A thousand CEOs: Relational thought, processual space, and deleuzian ontology in human geography and strategic management. Progress in Human Geography. advance online publication. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Review Essay of Joseph Massad, Islam in Liberalism for Dialogues in Human Geography, 2016. Publications, Reviews
Mitchell, K. and MacFarlane, K. 2016. Crime and the Global City: Migration, Borders, and the Pre-Criminal. Oxford Handbooks in Criminology. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters, Graduate
Katharyne Mitchell and Chris Lizotte. 2016. Governing through Failure: Philanthropy, Neoliberalism, and Education Reform in Seattle. In Brady, M. and Lippert, R. eds., Governing Practices: Neoliberalism and the Ethnographic Imaginary. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters, Graduate
Sparke, Matthew, 2016,  “Health and the Embodiment of Neoliberalism,” in Simon Springer Kean Birch, Julie MacLeavy, eds. The Handbook of Neoliberalism, New York: Routledge. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Farías, Mónica. 2015. "Women’s magazines and socioeconomic change: Para Ti, identity and politics in urban Argentina," Gender, Place & Culture 23 (5): 607-623. DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2015.1034244  Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Jarosz, Lucy.  2015.  Contesting hunger discourses in R. Bryand and S. Kim ed.  International Handbook of Political Ecology. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Katz, C., Marston, S., and Mitchell, K. 2015. Demanding Life’s Work. In K. Strauss and K. Meehan eds., Precarious Worlds: Contested Geographies of Social Reproduction, University of Georgia Press, 174-188. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Mitchell, K. 2015. It’s TIME: The Cultural Politics of Memory in the Current Moment of Danger, in H. Merrill and L. Hoffman (eds.) Spaces of Danger: Culture and Power in the Everyday, University of Georgia Press, 21-37. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Victoria Lawson, Sarah Elwood, Santiago Canevaro and Nicolas Viotti, ‘”The Poor are us”: middle class poverty politics in Buenos Aires and Seattle’.  Environment and Planning A Vol. 47 Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Elwood, Sarah, Victoria Lawson, and Samuel Nowak. "Middle-Class Poverty Politics: Making Place, Making People." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 105, no. 1 (2015): 123-43. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Review of Ash Amin, Land of Strangers for AAG Review of Books, 2, 3, 2014, 108-111. Publications, Reviews
Lawson, Victoria, and Sarah Elwood. "Encountering Poverty: Space, Class, and Poverty Politics." Antipode46, no. 1 (2014): 209-28. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Solís, Patricia, JoyK. Adams, LeslieA. Duram, Susan Hume, Al Kuslikis, Victoria Lawson, InesM. Miyares, DavidA. Padgett, and Alexander Ramírez. "Diverse Experiences in Diversity at the Geography Department Scale." The Professional Geographer 66, no. 2 (2014): 205-20. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Mitchell, K. and Elwood, S. 2012. From Redlining to Benevolent Societies: The Emancipatory Power of Spatial Thinking. Theory and Research in Social Education 40, 134-163. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters