
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
McElroy, Erin. “Boycotting, Identifying, and Organizing Against Serial Evictors.” E-Flux, no. Spatial Computing (June 2024). Publications, Articles
McElroy, Erin. “Techno-Imperialism.” In In Decoloniality in Eastern Europe: A Lexicon of Reorientation, edited by Ana Vilenica, 132–39. Novi Sad: Kuda, 2023. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Anti-Eviction Mapping Project. Counterpoints: A San Francisco Bay Area Atlas of Displacement and Resistance. Oakland: PM Press, 2021. Publications, Books
McElroy, Erin. “Housing, Cartographic, and Data Justice as Fields of Inquiry: A Connected Approach to Mapping Displacement.” In Housing Justice in Unequal Cities, edited by Ananya Roy and Hillary Malson, 29–36. Los Angeles, CA: Institute on Inequality and Democracy, 2019. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
McElroy, Erin, and Alex Werth. “Deracinated Dispossessions: On the Foreclosures of ‘Gentrification’ in Oakland, Ca.” Antipode 51, no. 3 (2019): 878–98. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Maharawal, Manissa M. and ErinMcElroy. “The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project: Counter Mapping and Oral History Toward Bay Area Housing Justice.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108, no. 2 (2018): 380–89. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
McElroy, Erin. “The Digital Humanities, American Studies, and the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project.” American Quarterly, 70(3): 701-707. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Review Essay of Joseph Massad, Islam in Liberalism for Dialogues in Human Geography, 2016. Publications, Reviews
Sparke, Matthew, 2014, “Author's Response,” contribution to a book review symposium on Introducing Globalization: Ties, Tensions and Uneven Integration, Oxford: Wiley. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Mitchell, K. 2008.  Practising Public Scholarship: Experiences and Possibilities Beyond the Academy, editor, Oxford: Blackwell Publications. Publications, Books
Sparke, Matt, "Globalization and Paul Farmer’s Reframing of Care," UW Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity, 2006 Publications, Reviews
Matthew Sparke and Noel Castree, 2000 “Professional Geography and the Corporatization of the University: Experiences, Evaluations and Engagements” in Antipode, 32, 3: pages, 222-229. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters