
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Kim England (2015) “Nurses across Borders: Global Migration of Registered Nurses to the US” Gender Place and Culture, 22(1): 143-156 Publications
Sparke, Matthew, 2014, “Author's Response,” contribution to a book review symposium on Introducing Globalization: Ties, Tensions and Uneven Integration, Oxford: Wiley. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Sparke, Matthew, 2014, "Health" in Roger Lee et al, eds. Handbook of Human Geography, Thousand Oaks: Sage, pages 684 – 708 Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Mitchell, K. 2014. Difference. In, Lee, R., Castree, N., Kitchin, R., Lawson, V., Paasi, A., Philo, C., Radcliffe, S., Roberts, S.M. and Withers, C. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Progress in Human Geography. SAGE, 69-93. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Sparke, Matthew, with Tim Bunnell, James Sidaway and Carl Grundy-Warr, 2013, “Geographies of power in the Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore growth triangle,” in Derudder, B., Hoyler, M., Taylor, P. J. and Witlox, F. (eds) International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities, Edward Elgar, pages 465 – 475. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Sparke, Matthew, 2013, “From Global Dispossession to Local Repossession: Towards a Worldly Cultural Geography of Occupy Activism,” in Nuala Johnson, Jamie Winders and Richard Schein, Handbook of Cultural Geography, Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley, 2013. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Anguelov, Dimitar and Sparke, Matthew, 2012,  “H1N1, Globalization and the Epidemiology of Inequality,” Health & Place, 18 (2012) 726–736. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Sparke, Matthew, 2010, “National Identity case study: How is globalization transforming the borders of national identity?” In Solem, M., Klein, P., Muñiz-Solari, O., and Ray, W., eds., AAG Center for Global Geography Education. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Mitchell, K. 2010. Ungoverned Space: Global Security and the Geopolitics of Broken Windows, Political Geography 29, 5, 289-297. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Sparke, Matthew, 2009, “On denationalization as neoliberalization: Biopolitics, class interest and the incompleteness of citizenship,” Political Power and Social Theory, v. 20: 287 – 300. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Sparke, Matthew B. "A neoliberal nexus: Economy, security and the biopolitics of citizenship on the border." Political geography 25, no. 2 (2006): 151-180. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Brown, Elizabeth, Corva, Dominic, Day, Heather Day, Faria, Carolin, Sparke, Matthew, Sparks, Tony, Varg, Kirsten, 2005, “The World Social Forum and the Lessons for Economic Geography,” Economic Geography, 81 (4) 359 - 380. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters, Graduate, Undergraduate
Matthew Sparke, 2004, "Passports into Credit Cards: On the Borders and Spaces of Neoliberal Citizenship," in Joel Migdal ed. Boundaries and Belonging, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 251 - 283. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Sparke, Matthew, Sidaway, James, Bunnell Tim, and Grundy-Warr, Carl, 2004, “Triangulating the Borderless World: Geographies of Power in the Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore Growth Triangle " Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS 29 485–498 Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Mitchell, K. 2004.  Crossing the NeoLiberal Line: Pacific Rim Migration and the Metropolis, Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Publications, Books
Matthew Sparke, 2002, “Not a State, but a State of Mind: Cascading Cascadias and the Geo-Economics of Cross-Border Regionalism,” in Markus Perkmann and Ngai-Ling Sum, eds, Globalisation, Regionalisation and Cross-border Regions, New York: Palgrave Publishers, pages  212 - 240. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Matthew Sparke, 2002, “Between Post-Colonialism and Cross-Border Regionalism,” Space and Polity, 6 (2), pages 203-213. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Matthew Sparke, 2000, “Chunnel Visions: Unpacking the Anticipatory Geographies of an Anglo-European borderland,” Journal of Borderland Studies, XV,1, pages 2 – 34. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Matthew Sparke, 2000, “Excavating the future in Cascadia:  Geoeconomics and the imagined geographies of a cross-border region,” BC Studies, 127, Autumn, pages 5 - 44. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Matthew Sparke, 1998, “From Geopolitics to Geoeconomics: Transnational State Effects In the Borderlands,” Geopolitics, 3, 2, pages 61 – 97. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Bernadette Stiell and Kim England (1997) “Domestic Distinctions: Constructing Difference among Paid Domestic Workers in Toronto,” Gender, Place, and Culture, 4(3): 339-359 Publications
Mitchell, K. 1997.  Guest editor Antipode, “Geography and Transnational Discourse,” 29, 2. Publications, Books
Mitchell, Katharyne. "Transnational discourse: bringing geography back in."Antipode 29.2 (1997): 101-114. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Matthew Sparke, 1995, “Between Demythologising and Deconstructing the Map:  Shawnadithit’s New-found-land and the Alienation of Canada” Cartographica, 32 (1), pages 1 - 21. Reprinted in 2010 in Classics in Cartography: Reflections on Influential Articles from Cartographica, edited by Martin Dodge, New York: Wiley. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters