Chamberlin, C. D. (2004). Nationalism and development in the census of Indonesia. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Census, Global, Population |
Duncan, R. I. (2004). Beneath transition : dialogic landscapes of modernisms and the St. Petersburg subway. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Area Studies, Cities, Global, Urban Studies |
Wenzl, A. J. (2003). Consumption side up : the importance of non-earnings income as a new economic base in rural Washington State. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Area Studies, Community, Economics, Labor |
Fowler, C. S. (2003). Missing the boat : the role of transportation networks in shaping global economic relations. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Economics, Global, Transnational |
Glick, J. (2003). Neighborhood catch-22? : considering the place(s) of revitalization in the gentrification of Washington, DC. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Area Studies, Cities, Politics, Urban Studies |
Fannin, M. E. (2002). Birth as a spatial process : themes of control, safety, family and the natural in “homelike” birthing rooms. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Feminism and Feminist Theory, Health, Medicine |
Llobrera, J. T. (2002). Nutrition transition and the infant formula controversy : a case study of maternal dietary diversity and infant feeding practices in the Philippines. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Food, Global, Health |
Hickey, M. (2002). On “The Beach” : travelers’ dreams, Hollywood magic, and development dilemmas in Southern Thailand. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Consumption, Culture, Environment, Global |
England, M. (2002). Who’s afraid of the dark? Not Buffy! : a feminist examination of the paradoxical representations of public and private space in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Popular Culture |
Said, M. (2002). Cultivating the forbidden flower : war, vulnerability, and the geopolitics of opium in Afghanistan. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Economics, Global, Politics, Social Stratification/Inequality |
Valsan, N. N. (2002). Conceptualization and perpetuation of identity among middle class Indian women in Washington State. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Area Studies, Culture, Race and Ethnicity |
Miller, J. A. P. (2002). Scales of quality : a multilevel approach to coronary artery bypass grafting in New York State. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Area Studies, Health, Medicine |
Leung, A. (2002). The role of technology and knowledge in foreign direct investment and regional economic development : a case study of Shenzhen in China. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Economics, Global, Transnational |
Morawitz, D. F. (2002). All bare permanently or all bare fleetingly? : tracking land cover conversions and forestry practices through time by comparing spectrally unmixed remote sensing data with Forest Practice Act data : a case study on the urban-forestry interface of the Puget Sound. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Area Studies, Environment, Mapping, Sustainability, Urban Studies |
Wasson, L. B.-K. (2001). Exploring discursive constructions of contemporary Vietnam in the context of tourism and economic development. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Economics, Global |
Shuyler, K. (2001). Telling salmon stories : a narrative analysis of Nooksack struggles for treaty fishing rights in Washington State. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Consumption, Culture, History, Indigenous |
Donovan, C. (Colleen M. (2001). Negotiating protest and practice : development, rural livelihoods, and the Brazilian Landless Movement (MST). University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Culture, Global, Social Movements |
Jackson Zimmerman, PhD, Re-Mapping Transborder Environmental Governance: Sovereign Territory and the Pacific Salmon Treaty |
Graduate, Dissertations, Masters Theses |
Area Studies, Environment, Food, Politics, Sustainability, Transnational |
Noyes, B. B. (2000). Human/nature : exploring individual interactions with American wilderness. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Environment, Ideology |
Jeschke, D. (2000). A carbon cycle model of forestry in the Russian Far East. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Environment, Global, Sustainability |
Vogt, M. E. (2000). Tile and error : data integration for habitat modeling in the I-90 EIS. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Area Studies, Big Data, Environment, Geographic Information Systems |
McMullin, S. K. (2000). Trade area assessment and customer prospecting : a case study utilizing geographic information technologies. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Consumption, Economics, Geographic Information Systems |
Katz, C. M. (2000). Remapping rights and responsibilities : a legal geography of the 1996 welfare and immigration reforms. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Immigration, Labor, Migration, Population |
Hou, X. S. (2000). Experimenting with migration flow representation using GIS software components. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Geographic Information Systems, Migration |
McQuie, H. N. (2000). Boomtown & busts : unlayering Seattle’s “drugscapes.” University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Area Studies, Health |