Masters Theses

Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Chamberlin, C. D. (2004). Nationalism and development in the census of Indonesia. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Duncan, R. I. (2004). Beneath transition : dialogic landscapes of modernisms and the St. Petersburg subway. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Wenzl, A. J. (2003). Consumption side up : the importance of non-earnings income as a new economic base in rural Washington State. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Fowler, C. S. (2003). Missing the boat : the role of transportation networks in shaping global economic relations. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Glick, J. (2003). Neighborhood catch-22? : considering the place(s) of revitalization in the gentrification of Washington, DC. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Fannin, M. E. (2002). Birth as a spatial process : themes of control, safety, family and the natural in “homelike” birthing rooms. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Llobrera, J. T. (2002). Nutrition transition and the infant formula controversy : a case study of maternal dietary diversity and infant feeding practices in the Philippines. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Hickey, M. (2002). On “The Beach” : travelers’ dreams, Hollywood magic, and development dilemmas in Southern Thailand. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
England, M. (2002). Who’s afraid of the dark? Not Buffy! : a feminist examination of the paradoxical representations of public and private space in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Said, M. (2002). Cultivating the forbidden flower : war, vulnerability, and the geopolitics of opium in Afghanistan. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Valsan, N. N. (2002). Conceptualization and perpetuation of identity among middle class Indian women in Washington State. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Miller, J. A. P. (2002). Scales of quality : a multilevel approach to coronary artery bypass grafting in New York State. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Leung, A. (2002). The role of technology and knowledge in foreign direct investment and regional economic development : a case study of Shenzhen in China. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Morawitz, D. F. (2002). All bare permanently or all bare fleetingly? : tracking land cover conversions and forestry practices through time by comparing spectrally unmixed remote sensing data with Forest Practice Act data : a case study on the urban-forestry interface of the Puget Sound. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Wasson, L. B.-K. (2001). Exploring discursive constructions of contemporary Vietnam in the context of tourism and economic development. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Shuyler, K. (2001). Telling salmon stories : a narrative analysis of Nooksack struggles for treaty fishing rights in Washington State. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Donovan, C. (Colleen M. (2001). Negotiating protest and practice : development, rural livelihoods, and the Brazilian Landless Movement (MST). University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Jackson Zimmerman, PhD, Re-Mapping Transborder Environmental Governance: Sovereign Territory and the Pacific Salmon Treaty Graduate, Dissertations, Masters Theses
Noyes, B. B. (2000). Human/nature : exploring individual interactions with American wilderness. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Jeschke, D. (2000). A carbon cycle model of forestry in the Russian Far East. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Vogt, M. E. (2000). Tile and error : data integration for habitat modeling in the I-90 EIS. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
McMullin, S. K. (2000). Trade area assessment and customer prospecting : a case study utilizing geographic information technologies. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Katz, C. M. (2000). Remapping rights and responsibilities : a legal geography of the 1996 welfare and immigration reforms. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Hou, X. S. (2000). Experimenting with migration flow representation using GIS software components. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
McQuie, H. N. (2000). Boomtown & busts : unlayering Seattle’s “drugscapes.” University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses