Masters Theses

Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Lindahl, D. P. (1994). Import substitution of producer services in peripheral regions : the case of Anchorage, Alaska. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Ordóñez, R. (1994). A struggle for the sacred : the Blackfeet resistance to oil and gas exploration in the Lewis and Clark National Forest. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Skov, J. (1994). Product, process, system : Global food and US food retailing. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Smith, J. A. (1994). Cultural change and depopulation in the Americas. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Barber, D. (1993). Understanding jobs-housing balance : implications on affordable housing needs and employment accessibility for the urban poor in King County, Washington. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Devine, N. (1993). A conceptual framework for examining gender, urban restructuring, and residential communities. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Silvey, R. (1993). Changing migration patterns of women in Java : a multi-scale analysis. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Anthony, T. L. (1993). Approaching development : the necessity of multiscalar analysis. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Gatchik, I. (1993). A topological data model and some algorithms for a three-dimensional GIS. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Gallardo, G. E. (1993). Urban spatial behavior among Seattle’s Hispanic immigrant communities : an exploratory investigation. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Hoiby, R. A. (1993). Congestion pricing : the effects of the toll ring in Oslo. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Dalby, C. E. (1993). A plan for the implementation of GIS in the National Park Service, Pacific Northwest Region. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Mathewson, D. (1993). The impacts of economic restructuring on woman-headed households, 1980-1990 : connections between employment and housing. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Neuburger, M. (1993). Exodus to Oregon : the emigration of Russo-Ukrainian Pentecostals to the American West 1988-93. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Luderman, B. D. (1992). A geography of financial centers : the case of London. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Forsberg, A. (1992). The cocaine trade : exploitation and social change amongst the Bolivian peasantry. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Roberts, C. (1992). Asthma mortality in Washington State, 1980-1989. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Mohrman, M. S. (1992). Primary health care in Seattle : 1950-1990. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Harris, K. W. (1992). Spatial patterns of helping neighbor networks for the elderly : a case study. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Welford, K. (1992). The construction of a framework for studying home-based work in advanced economies. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Dodd, C. K. (1992). Siting hazardous facilities in the Soviet Union : the case of the nuclear power industry. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Vavrus, C. (1992). The intersection of class and ethnicity : land tenure and the Indian community in colonial Oaxaca, 1519-1821. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Sparr, J. (1992). Shaping urban growth : urban containment and urban concentration in Portland, Oregon. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Wells, C. (1992). The ranking of Puget Sound watersheds for nonpoint pollution control : a policy analysis. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Gushin, I. (1992). Trihalomethanes in the California state water project : a study of their geography, chemistry and public policy implications. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses