Masters Theses

Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Nelson, P. B. (1996). The what and why behind the “West at war” : an empirical and theoretical analysis of migration to nonmetropolitan areas in the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Nelson, L. (1996). Neoliberalism as contested ideological terrain : state practices and peasant agencies in Michoacan, Mexico. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Suzuki, T. L. (1996). Towards a more complete understanding of poverty : examination of life stages, gender, and race from a geographic perspective. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Goodwin, M. K. (1996). A locational analysis of abortion in Washington State. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Segas, G. P. (1996). The evolution of a hydraulic state : the case of Uzbekistan. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Varsanyi, M. (1996). Proposition 187 : xenophobia, the feminized immigrant, and public spaces of reproduction in a transnational era. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Grigsby, S. E. (1996). GIS applications in a coho salmon habitat study of the Stillaguamish watershed. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Barry, M. J. (1996). Multiple perspectives in multimedia maps. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Moore, R. A. (1996). World Wide Web tools for collaborative development of a geographic information system database for the Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Clitherow, P. A. (1996). An analysis of factors affecting recent household travel behavior in the Puget Sound region. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Hayes, P. (Peter S. (1995). Getting and keeping the value : the Bone River and Willapa regions, 1854-1994. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Miller, J. B. (1995). Concepts for group-based decision support systems for political campaigns. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Gill, A. P. (1995). A GIS data dictionary to support the site selection decision process & Map displays to support the site selection decision process. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Heron, L. L. (1995). Wandering the wilderness between plan and market : contemporary land reform and agricultural restructuring in Russia. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Hilbert, S. M. (1995). Revitalization of identity and place : the Zapatista rebellion and the challenge to Mexican nationalism. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Baur, B. (1995). Pronasol : decentralization and democratization of development? University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Garber, R. F. (1995). An era of reform. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Hendricksen, C. S. (1994). A model of the migration process ; and, Geographic variation in the rate of bearing low-birthweight babies among smoking mothers. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Bjørdal, A. (1994). Hydrologic modeling with Smallworld GIS : an object-oriented approach. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Wysocki, D. M. (1994). The gentrification of Bohemia : change in Seattle’s houseboat community. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Huyler, M. (Mark D. (1994). Who are the neighbors and why does it matter? : changes in local levels of residential diversity : Seattle, WA 1980-1990. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Lobb, E. A. (1994). Consequences of gendered migration : the construction of marginalized workforces : Latina domestics in Los Angeles, CA. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Ohman, D. R. (1994). Social and economic change in non-metropolitan Pacific Northwest counties : the 1970s and 1980s. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Rowley, F. F. (1994). Urban restructuring and the geography of of [sic] men’s and women’s work opportunities. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses
Townsend, C. L. (1994). Ecosystem management policy and implementation. University of Washington. Graduate, Masters Theses