Roose, R. A. (1990). The geographic variables of language mobilization : the case of Belgium. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Culture, Global, Nationalism, Politics |
Kennedy, T. (1990). An analysis of the impact of traffic congestion on King County employers and possible mitigation measures. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Area Studies, Labor, Urban Studies |
Wold, T. M. (1989). After the Boldt Decision : the question of inter-tribal allocation. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Culture, Environment, Food, History, Indigenous |
Orians, C. E. (1989). School desegregation and residential segregation : the Seattle metropolitan experience. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Area Studies, Cities, Community, Education |
Whelan, A. R. (1989). Geographic aspects of obstetrical care in Washington State. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Area Studies, Community, Health, Medicine |
Rader, C. P. (1989). A functional model of color in cartographic design. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Mapping, Research Methods |
Wancura, D. N. (1989). A transaction cost approach to integrated freight transportation. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Economics |
Maurich, K. Y. (1989). Private land in Lake Chelan National Recreation Area : an integrative approach to landscape protection for Stehekin, Washington. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Area Studies, Environment, Sustainability |
Leinbach, D. T. (1989). The role of selected factors in the adoption of transferred technology in less developed countries : some theoretical considerations. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Culture, Population, Science and Technology |
Chow, T. W. (1989). An explanation of high-tech activities in Britain. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Global, Science and Technology |
Rader, N. K. (1989). Determining lateral boundaries for river conservation areas : the case of the upper Delaware River. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Area Studies, Environment, Sustainability |
Ewert, D. M. (1988). Public policy and race relations in Malaysia : some geographical dimensions. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Global, Politics, Race and Ethnicity |
Ross, A. (1988). A spatial analysis of the residential histories of Hodgkin’s disease cases. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Area Studies, Disease, Health |
Faulkner, A. H. (1988). Development, women’s status, and the nature of work : the incorporation and marginalization of women in the Ecuadorian economy, 1974 to 1982. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Economics, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Global, Social Stratification/Inequality |
Kent, B. U. (1988). Central city-suburban variation in female and male earnings in the United States. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Labor |
Larson, S. W. (1988). A proposed strategy for the incremental development of geographic information system technology in King County, Washington. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Area Studies, Big Data, Geographic Information Systems, Mapping |
Nolan, T. (1988). A land information system network for the Puget Sound Region. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Area Studies, Big Data, Mapping |
Hull, T. J. (1988). The “Filter-Down” process ofnonmetropolitan industrialization : a case study approach. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Area Studies, Labor |
Herrell, K. R. (1987). Natural language processing of spatial references for cadastral cartography. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Big Data, Housing, Mapping |
Strandberg, D. G. (1987). Oil and gas transport systems of the North Sea. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Economics, Environment, Sustainability |
Teng, J. (1987). The evolution of the Chinese seaport system. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Economics, Global, Urban Studies |
Perry III, G. (1987). Size as related to efficiency in United States counties. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Area Studies, Politics |
Ruderman, R. M. (1987). The role of programming languages and cartographic data structures in computer-assisted cartography. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Big Data, Mapping, Science and Technology |
Evans, K. A. (1987). Regional administrative centralization of water management authority in the United States : ideal or impossibility? University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
American Studies, Environment |
Crawford, C. M. (1987). The utility of cartographic devices in market research. University of Washington. |
Graduate, Masters Theses |
Economics, Mapping |