
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Al-Saleh, D (2022) “Who will man the rigs when we go? Transnational Demographic Fever Dreams between Qatar and Texas.” Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 40(5): 1130–1146. Publications, Articles
Al-Saleh, D and Vora, N (2023) “US Higher Education and Fossil Fuels: The limits of liberalism in university climate action.” Climate and Development Online First. Publications, Articles
Al-Saleh, D and Arefin, MR (2023) “Political ecologies of a university and land at Cairo’s urban periphery: the American University in Cairo’s suburban desert campus.” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space Online First.  Publications, Articles
McElroy, Erin, and Andrew Szeto. “The Racial Contours of YIMBY/NIMBY Bay Area Gentrification.” Berkeley Planning Journal 29, no. 1 (2018): 7–44. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Thompson. S. (2022). “Not your ‘poor dear’”: Community, care, and support in women’s non-profit housing. Gender Place & Culture 29(8), 1121-1140. DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2021.1937063. Publications
Available on CV. Publications
Lizotte, C. 2013. The Moral Imperatives of Geographies of School Failure: Mobilizing Market-Based Reform Coalitions. The Canadian Geographer. 53(3): 289 – 295. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
MacFarlane, K. Forthcoming. A Thousand CEOs: Relational Thought, Processual Space, and Deleuzian Ontology in Human Geography and Strategic Management. Progress in Human Geography. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters